What is propolis

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What is propolis

What is propolis


What is propolis?

Propolis is combination of ‘Pro’ meaning to protect and safeguard, and ‘Polis’ meaning city.
As such, it refers to the substance that safely protects the inner aspects of beehive from harmful germs in the city (environment).

Propolis is produced by mixing and fermenting the mucous saps excreted by countless plants to protect their livelihood and viscous saps secreted to protect and defend themselves from harmful germs in the event of wounds in the trees, which are gathered by bees, with the saliva enzymes of bees.

What are the key ingredients and functions of propolis?

According to the Functional health food act, it includes antibacterial action in oral cavity and anti-oxidation action the suppresses generation of harmful activated oxygen.
Propolis contains more than 200 of various nutritional ingredients including more than 67 types of flavonoids and 180 types of polyphenol.
In addition, natural propolis contains 50~55% resin and aromatic materials, 25~33% beeswax, 10% oil including essential oil and 5% wide range of organic and inorganic substances such as zinc an iron, etc.
Therefore, in order for natural propolis to be used as functional health food for the general public, it must contain at least 1% flavonoid and be processed through outstanding process capable of removing wax and extraction of solvents (water and alcohol).

Advantages of propolis collected in Korea

Compared with “Brazilian propolis” in subtropical climate and “Australian propolis” in the climate with little seasonal changes, Korea has 4 distinct seasons with severe climate changes. As such, plants and bees are compelled to produce powerful propolis under severely harsh environment.
Therefore, propolis produced in Korea contains more abundant effective ingredients including more than 120 types of flavonoids and 250 types of ingredients beneficial to human body such as quercetin in comparison to propolis obtained in overseas.

* Quercetin: Standard material used in measuring the flavonoid contents of propolis and is an important ingredient that determines the quality of propolis.
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